Friday, August 8, 2008

Staying in Power

Government will do almost anything to stay in power.

A common action is to use the IRS as attack dogs. A second common ploy is to bust people for lying to federal agents when they can't bust people for what they originally intended. How many people have experiences similar to Orion? I'm sure there are many. Most recently in the news is the story about the scientist accused of doing the anthrax mailings killing himself. Was he really guilty or did he know too much? As bad as Orion describes the situation with government, I believe that things will get much worse.

The people in power now are corrupt and self-serving, but they tend not to be idealogues. Once the idealogues take over most government positions, which seems inevitable, then they will be corrupt without any semblence of concious. There are people who believe in their hearts that the Earth must be de-populated. There are people who believe in their hearts that the US has been a destructive influence on the planet and that economic growth is destructive to the planet.

They intend to do to our economy what was done to NASA after Apollo. They intend to intentionally stagnate our economy through regulation,taxation and destruction of the engines that run the economy (energy and entreprenuralism). They intend to use globalism to ensure world peace much like the Nazis saw a peaceful world as a result of their own world conquest and the elimination of Jews. In fact, the destruction of Israel is central to their plans. After all, Israel is just an extension of the Western Civilization that they oppose so much (even though they were created by Western Civilization). Israel is like an outpost on the frontier and the group that will soon come to power in the US believe that frontier outposts were a horrible thing.Yes, all people can be corrupted by power, but idealogues corrupted by power can justify any evil in their twisted little minds.

It is going to be a rough ride. We are not going to make it unless we are well armed, ready to fight at the slightest provocation and flee decisively when the time comes.

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