Thursday, August 7, 2008

Nazi-like Enemies

Orion Blaster:

Most of our common enemies are Nazi-like in their organizations and beliefs. Islamic Nazis are the Islamic Terrorists, Radical Fundamentalist Muslims that seek the new holocaust of anyone who does not follow their version of Islam, a religion of the sword. They are willing to kill themselves to murder everyone else. Islamic Nazi Mosques are popping up in every civilized nation, causing them ruin as they have record recruiting abilities and Nazi Islamic charities that they tithe 20% of their income to, that funds terrorist networks.

Climate Nazis are Al Gore and his global warming religion followers. They want to seek a new holocaust of anyone who doesn't follow their religion and worship the environment. They place animals and the Earth itself over people's lives and freedoms and rights. They will either seek depopulation via concentration camps or seek to sterilize human beings and heavily tax married couples who have more than one child, as China does, or force women to have abortions. They will raise taxes on anything that has carbon in it or creates CO2 in its use, including people who breathe out CO2. They will force alternative energy at 3x the cost of oil and gas on everyone by raising the price of oil and gas via fake shortages and carbon credits and carbon taxes, until the poor and middle-class cannot afford to drive cars or heat and cool their homes,causing many to die of cold or heat exposure. Plus, higher gas and oil prices will cause world-wide food shortages and starve third world nations and cause over 3 billion people to die of starvation, war,disease, or death due to something related.

They control scientists and technology, and have taken over Internet sites like CNet, Slashdot, TheDaily Kos, etc turning them into propaganda machines. Liberal Nazis like Nancy Pelosi seek to ruin the economy and mess up theUS and state governments by passing stupid bills as laws and holding up progress in Congress and any other government agency that votes on bills. They will murder people by causing a new civil war to break out once the US economy collapses and takes the world economy with it. They will do everything they can to drop the value of the US dollar and work with Climate Nazis to raise gas and oil prices by stopping oil and gas companies from drilling for more gas and oil, forcing prices to go up so it ruins the economy. They will also take away rights and freedoms of the people and extend domestic spying programs, and pass moreMarxist/Communist/Socialist spending bills to heavily tax the rich and middle-class and give the money to special interest groups that help fund their campaigns to get re-elected instead of the poor as they promise. The poor will keep getting poorer, and so will the middle-class and rich.

They sabotage Ron Paul and other libertarians who might have away to save the economy and world. Liberal Nazis are really Neo-cons who pretend to be Liberals, but are nothing of the sort. They have taken over, The Daily Kos, Kuro5hin, IWETHEY, and other web sites that promote their propaganda. Not sure what we can do, calling out the truth about these groups gets one attacked as not being politically correct, and these people control a majority of the Internet, newspapers, cable news stations, media companies, Hollywood, recording companies, etc. They push their propaganda on the public and get away with it and also have college professors working for them.


I agree with all this. Unfortunately, the threat to our freedom is not all we have to worry about. The minds of true believers, which include Nazis, do not rely on reality. In this time in which we live, it is absolutely essential for all decisions to be fact based. It is a battle between emotion and reason. If the US abandons reason then we will either be destroyed by terrorists or we will have a depression that is worse than the 1930s. The other possibility,which I believe, is that we will have a major terrorist attack AND a depression.

The climate/environment true believers are directly responsible forthe gas prices. Gas prices are responsible for inflation pressures and the economic slowdown (not recession) and the slowdown is responsible for the cheap money which also cause inflation and devaluation of the dollar. Of course, as the value of the dollar falls then the price of foreign oil goes up (since it is bought with cheapened currency).

A terror attack on two or more US cities would collapse the economy instantly and completely change our civilization. Undermining the US currency will crush the economy more slowly but just as surely. Only the use of reason can prevent one or both of the collapse scenarious.

Orion Blaster:

Aye and they run our governments with a system that is part Big Brother and part Lord of the Flies and also based on Hitler's ideas. You'll find they have Liberal Professors in college that teach that Hitler wasn't so bad and the holocaust never happened, or it was Hitler's men who ran the camps and Hitler was innocent. At bunch of brainwashing if you ask me. My sister in law was exposed to that in college, plus they encourage students to use illegal drugs, based on what they exposed her to she had a heart attack as the illegal drug she was told to use had a reaction with the prescription medication she was on. While the Neocons seem to be bad, the Liberal Nazis are even worse as they combine the worst of the Nazis with the worst of the Communists, to bring about a Nanny State.

Don't get me started on how they attack religion and call it a system to control people with, religion is not to blame, some bad people are abusing religion for their own benefits, it is not religion's fault but the mismanagement of religion. Their system is an even worse system to control people with, as people get turned into socialist zombies and lack independent thought and critical thinking and logic and use their emotions instead. They call Neo-Swashbucklers a dangerous cult, because our religion is based on piracy, but we are just people who want our rights and freedoms back and want life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as was promised to us by our governments. Liberal Nazis, Climate Nazis, Islamic Nazis, are the real dangerous cults, and they all have common goals and seem to be working together in secret to ruin the economy and cause more civil wars and genocides and holocausts. All we Neo-Swashbucklers are doing is standing up to them and telling them we are not going to take their bullshit anymore, and are going to get what our founding fathers had promised to us. Damn anyone who stands in our way of freedom and liberty, damn anyone who tries to ruin the economy and cause more conflict, because we Neo-Swashbucklers won't just lie down and take this lightly, we are not sheep or socialist zombies, we fight back, for everyone who lost their rights, freedom, money, property, and dignity. That means we post the truth on our blogs and radio shows, and give people the tools they need to fight back these modern Nazis to show them that we the people are the ones our governments should serve and not some Nazi groups or special interest groups. We warned people the economy and nations will collapse, and we will escape it when it happens as we are survivors. History will remember us as the only ones who had a clue as to what was the truth and what was really happening in the world.

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