Saturday, August 2, 2008

Major Announcement Soon

Over the last 5 1/2 years I have had a certain appproach to the Neo-Swashbucklers that has been fairly consistent and has helped create agroup of like-minded individuals who have our own mythologies,history, plans and politics. Although we are not politically identical we have come to a point that we are politically compatible. I sense that we have arrived at a point in time that we need to proceed with certain plans.

I have never considered myself the leader of the group. I consider myself a major contributor to the group. I do not believe that anyone individual is empowered to change the direction of the Neo-Swashbucklers. The Neo-Swashbucklers is a group of loosely aligned individuals who are free men and women. What I can control and intend to control is my own direction.

My future posts and actions will be on one of four subjects:

1. Continued comment on politics, current events, merriment,lifestyle and the love of freedom.

2. Contributions to tee shirt ideas as part a money making prospectfor the Neo-Swashbucklers. Profits will go to a group fund.

3. Collection of premium posts on this Blogspot site and assembly of these posts into chapters for a general Neo-Swashbuckler book,possibly entitled 'The Neo-Swashbucklers: Merriment in the ComingDark Age'. The authorship of the book will be shared, as will royalties, in accordance with the number/percentage of lines authored. I will explain this further later. Each Saturday I will select the premium posts from Neo-Swashbuckler Island or The Neo-Swashbucklers and add them to this Blog. Also, comments on the posts will likely be added to the book, so Neo-Swashbucklers are strongly encouraged to comment at this Blog site.

4. I will research, promote, develop, plan and recruit for a new diabolical scheme I have partially constructed called Operation Freedom Snake. Operation Freedom Snake (OFS) is still being formulated in my mind and, once complete, I will announce it here. This will have the potential to be divisive to our merry band, but it need not be. Some will like and participate in OFS and some will not. Those who dislike OFS might get tired of seeing posts about the subject. I only ask that you give it due consideration and tolerate the posts of those who participate. If it gets too cumbersome for the NS Island Board then we may create a separate OFS Board. We will see how the group reacts to the plan before we come to a decision on that issue.

I am not trying to be mysterious about OFS, I just do not have all the details worked out mentally. I will introduce the subject as soon as I can.

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