Sunday, August 10, 2008


Orion Blaster:

You are right at least I have a house and a wife and a son, they remain from everything else that was taken away from me. But I am not sure if we can survive the economic collapse, as I am on prescription medication and after the collapse due to lack of medicine my blood pressure and cholesterol will cause strokes and heart attacks.


Orion is not the only swashbucklers who will need meds after the Collapse. I will. So will Lady Drake. I'm sure there are more.

We need to seriously ponder a change in the Plan which solves this problem. Bad guys are going to attack pharmacies almost as soon as the Collapse is underway. This is the bad news. The good news is that they will be after narcotics, pain meds, sleeping pills, and other stuff with recreational value. They will not be after blood pressure medications, chloresteral inhibitors or meds for diabetics. We need to strike immediately after the hoodlums. Wayne needs a raid in Tell City. We probably need a raid in the delta south of Memphis. There will also have to be a raid by the Texas Fleet near New Orleans ors omewhere between Kemah and Lost Lake.This is but one of the ways that we will have to become real pirates. We cannot be squeamish about changing from law abiding citizens to being ruthlessly piratical. Our survival depends on it and we need to survive. Pharmacy raids will not be done while the pharmacy is open. We will hit them at night and quickly get all the meds on a list that will be pre-prepared and include all meds required by our members.

Most Neo-Swashbucklers, probably all Neo-Swashbucklers, will be leading more healthy lives after the Collapse. We will be getting great exercise, be eating freshly shot game cooked over open fire and will be consuming far fewer calories. In many cases this will cause some Neo-Swashbucklers who now need meds to become med free. Still, we cannot risk allowing anyone to run out of meds in the first few weeks after the Collapse.


This is a good point concerning the meds. I rely on several meds myself, and Ihave decided the best plan for me is to learn the herbal and homeopathic equivalents needed to ensure my well-being in an emergency. I am studying mass amounts of literature pertaining to homeopathic remedies, herbal remedies, and hypnosis. While the pharmacy raids will provide a short term solution, providing, of course, the raids are successful,what happens when that seized supply is diminished? Neo-swashbucklers won't be the only ones scrambling after meds, yes, even to the point of organized seizure. There are MANY organized survival groups on Yahoo alone, not counting zillions of other places,and they have the same plan to raid pharmacies. I feel that being able to have a steady supply of alternatives to pharmaceuticals would be another good plan. Dr.Mercola.comis a good source of alternative solutions, and there are countless web sites devoted to this subject. I do support the idea of pharmacueticals raids, but I feel a more long term solution is needed.


Excellent points, Kelly.

I think you are basically saying that the pharmacy raids will buy us some time - time that we should use to convert to homopathic and herbal remedies and even hypnosis.

Was it Nietzache or Conan the Barbarian who made famous the quote: "That which does not kill you makes you stronger?" When we have survived several months post Twinkie civilization we will be hardened and stronger. We will grow our own, healthy food and kill animals that have not been fattened in feed lots. We will not have easy access to sugar. There is some cane sugar, and raw cane, in theLost Lake area, but I doubt we will give much priority to having cane runs.

Therefore I would add survival induced fitness to the homopathic, herbal and hypnosis corrective measures. On the old route that Frank and I ran we passed a CVS warehouse. I can't remember where it was, but it makes me think that a warehouse might be a more lucrative target than retail pharmacies. We need to identify such warehouses along the Mississippi River or near the Gulf Coast. Hopefully I will be riding with Frank again soon and I will be able to locate the warehouse (I think it is in Atlanta, though,which would be of little value).

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