Saturday, August 2, 2008

Maternal Controlling Collectivists

Orion Blaster: (from posts on 'Is there anyone on earth more stupid than Nancy Pelosi')

Hitler was a vegetarian and loved animals more than people, much like the modern liberals do.

Hitler also wanted gun control, wanted to tax the rich, wanted to remove religion from the public, and many other things that liberals want as well. Modern liberals are just following Hitler's book, doing basically the same things. Did you notice that Liberals are anti-Israel and anti-Semite as well? Much like the fundamentalist Muslims are as well. Mine Kampf means my struggle, which is another translation for Jihad and explains what the liberals believe in as well with their struggle. Nazis, Liberals, Islamic Terrorists, all follow the same beliefs and same rule books. Due to the Treaty of Versailles, Germany borrowed money from the USA to pay off war debts and rebuild itself. Under FDR, the Liberal Democrats had helped rebuild Germany by loaning it money from US banks and the federal reserve, and had many US corporations like IBM, Bayer, etc.

So the Liberal Democrats helped the Nazis build up their empire and help Hitler set up his war machine and death camps. Then they blamed everything on the conservatives and refused to admit that they and their companies helped out Hitler, and even that FDR himself helped loan Hitler money.


I suspect that collectivism naturally leads to totalitarianism but Ihave not fully refined the theory in my mind. It will be something like collectivism usually or always coming under the influence of controlling elitists or maternalists. Totalitarianism is a maternal impulse -- this is something we must remember. The desire to control a constituency is a mothering desire. Unfortunately, since the elites are not actually the mothers of the constituents, the maternal instincts are not based on intuitive love. Maternal collectivism becomes something very ugly and incredibly threatening to individualism. I think that Hitler, Stalin and Mao were motherly controllers. This is why collectivism always begins by "doing good things for free" for the people. This sets up the people to be reminded later that they got freebies and now owe allegiance to the do-gooder elite.

The allegiance eventually leads to compliance with a system that places some people in concentration camps for the benefit of the whole. It also leads to selective extermnations to perfect the populations. Remember, the instinct that normally trumps the mother eating her young is the instinct to perpetuate one's own genes. In maternal collectivism the elitists are not directly related to their constituents. There is no trump to eating their young. What they want to perpetuate is their vision of what the population "should be like."

Now, think of these ideas in terms of socialized medicine. It sounds good at first but the end result is that you are allowing the maternal collectivists the ability to determine what needles get pushed into your arms. You are also giving the maternal collectivists the power to ration. The UK, Canada and Australia have made themselves vulnerable to maternal collectivism and will eventually pay a horrible price if they do not reverse course. Nevermind the fact that maternal collectivists do not use their own money to give away free stuff. No, they confiscate the money from the productive individuals and then use the funds to perpetuate their power.

One last point. Why do you think that the media, education and entertainment industries have made a 30 year effort to feminize American males? Could it be that feminized males are more susceptible to maternal collectivism?

Tampico (follow-up post):

Although Hitler was an extreme maternal collectivist, he was distinct from the others because he was such an egomaniac that he regarded himself as an individual as the elite. He did not represent an elite group, like Nancy Pelosi. As such, Hitler did not find it necessary to feminize German males. Instead, he played them with primal male instincts. Males are not naturally maternal collectivists but they do have negative impulses. Males are naturally inclined to rape, territorial expansion and,consequently, war. Males want to expand their genetic range. Hitler played this by exposing German males to an idealized notion of blood and soil (blut und boden). This worked fine for Hitler because he had no desire to expand his elite (he was an elite of one) and he could accomplish his personal goals better with masculine males. Besides,what happened to most of the German masculine males in WW2? Yes,death.

Maternal controlling collectivists need death. The ability to withdraw someone from existence is the ultimate control.

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