Sunday, August 10, 2008


Orion Blaster:

You are right at least I have a house and a wife and a son, they remain from everything else that was taken away from me. But I am not sure if we can survive the economic collapse, as I am on prescription medication and after the collapse due to lack of medicine my blood pressure and cholesterol will cause strokes and heart attacks.


Orion is not the only swashbucklers who will need meds after the Collapse. I will. So will Lady Drake. I'm sure there are more.

We need to seriously ponder a change in the Plan which solves this problem. Bad guys are going to attack pharmacies almost as soon as the Collapse is underway. This is the bad news. The good news is that they will be after narcotics, pain meds, sleeping pills, and other stuff with recreational value. They will not be after blood pressure medications, chloresteral inhibitors or meds for diabetics. We need to strike immediately after the hoodlums. Wayne needs a raid in Tell City. We probably need a raid in the delta south of Memphis. There will also have to be a raid by the Texas Fleet near New Orleans ors omewhere between Kemah and Lost Lake.This is but one of the ways that we will have to become real pirates. We cannot be squeamish about changing from law abiding citizens to being ruthlessly piratical. Our survival depends on it and we need to survive. Pharmacy raids will not be done while the pharmacy is open. We will hit them at night and quickly get all the meds on a list that will be pre-prepared and include all meds required by our members.

Most Neo-Swashbucklers, probably all Neo-Swashbucklers, will be leading more healthy lives after the Collapse. We will be getting great exercise, be eating freshly shot game cooked over open fire and will be consuming far fewer calories. In many cases this will cause some Neo-Swashbucklers who now need meds to become med free. Still, we cannot risk allowing anyone to run out of meds in the first few weeks after the Collapse.


This is a good point concerning the meds. I rely on several meds myself, and Ihave decided the best plan for me is to learn the herbal and homeopathic equivalents needed to ensure my well-being in an emergency. I am studying mass amounts of literature pertaining to homeopathic remedies, herbal remedies, and hypnosis. While the pharmacy raids will provide a short term solution, providing, of course, the raids are successful,what happens when that seized supply is diminished? Neo-swashbucklers won't be the only ones scrambling after meds, yes, even to the point of organized seizure. There are MANY organized survival groups on Yahoo alone, not counting zillions of other places,and they have the same plan to raid pharmacies. I feel that being able to have a steady supply of alternatives to pharmaceuticals would be another good plan. Dr.Mercola.comis a good source of alternative solutions, and there are countless web sites devoted to this subject. I do support the idea of pharmacueticals raids, but I feel a more long term solution is needed.


Excellent points, Kelly.

I think you are basically saying that the pharmacy raids will buy us some time - time that we should use to convert to homopathic and herbal remedies and even hypnosis.

Was it Nietzache or Conan the Barbarian who made famous the quote: "That which does not kill you makes you stronger?" When we have survived several months post Twinkie civilization we will be hardened and stronger. We will grow our own, healthy food and kill animals that have not been fattened in feed lots. We will not have easy access to sugar. There is some cane sugar, and raw cane, in theLost Lake area, but I doubt we will give much priority to having cane runs.

Therefore I would add survival induced fitness to the homopathic, herbal and hypnosis corrective measures. On the old route that Frank and I ran we passed a CVS warehouse. I can't remember where it was, but it makes me think that a warehouse might be a more lucrative target than retail pharmacies. We need to identify such warehouses along the Mississippi River or near the Gulf Coast. Hopefully I will be riding with Frank again soon and I will be able to locate the warehouse (I think it is in Atlanta, though,which would be of little value).

Friday, August 8, 2008

Staying in Power

Government will do almost anything to stay in power.

A common action is to use the IRS as attack dogs. A second common ploy is to bust people for lying to federal agents when they can't bust people for what they originally intended. How many people have experiences similar to Orion? I'm sure there are many. Most recently in the news is the story about the scientist accused of doing the anthrax mailings killing himself. Was he really guilty or did he know too much? As bad as Orion describes the situation with government, I believe that things will get much worse.

The people in power now are corrupt and self-serving, but they tend not to be idealogues. Once the idealogues take over most government positions, which seems inevitable, then they will be corrupt without any semblence of concious. There are people who believe in their hearts that the Earth must be de-populated. There are people who believe in their hearts that the US has been a destructive influence on the planet and that economic growth is destructive to the planet.

They intend to do to our economy what was done to NASA after Apollo. They intend to intentionally stagnate our economy through regulation,taxation and destruction of the engines that run the economy (energy and entreprenuralism). They intend to use globalism to ensure world peace much like the Nazis saw a peaceful world as a result of their own world conquest and the elimination of Jews. In fact, the destruction of Israel is central to their plans. After all, Israel is just an extension of the Western Civilization that they oppose so much (even though they were created by Western Civilization). Israel is like an outpost on the frontier and the group that will soon come to power in the US believe that frontier outposts were a horrible thing.Yes, all people can be corrupted by power, but idealogues corrupted by power can justify any evil in their twisted little minds.

It is going to be a rough ride. We are not going to make it unless we are well armed, ready to fight at the slightest provocation and flee decisively when the time comes.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Nazi-like Enemies

Orion Blaster:

Most of our common enemies are Nazi-like in their organizations and beliefs. Islamic Nazis are the Islamic Terrorists, Radical Fundamentalist Muslims that seek the new holocaust of anyone who does not follow their version of Islam, a religion of the sword. They are willing to kill themselves to murder everyone else. Islamic Nazi Mosques are popping up in every civilized nation, causing them ruin as they have record recruiting abilities and Nazi Islamic charities that they tithe 20% of their income to, that funds terrorist networks.

Climate Nazis are Al Gore and his global warming religion followers. They want to seek a new holocaust of anyone who doesn't follow their religion and worship the environment. They place animals and the Earth itself over people's lives and freedoms and rights. They will either seek depopulation via concentration camps or seek to sterilize human beings and heavily tax married couples who have more than one child, as China does, or force women to have abortions. They will raise taxes on anything that has carbon in it or creates CO2 in its use, including people who breathe out CO2. They will force alternative energy at 3x the cost of oil and gas on everyone by raising the price of oil and gas via fake shortages and carbon credits and carbon taxes, until the poor and middle-class cannot afford to drive cars or heat and cool their homes,causing many to die of cold or heat exposure. Plus, higher gas and oil prices will cause world-wide food shortages and starve third world nations and cause over 3 billion people to die of starvation, war,disease, or death due to something related.

They control scientists and technology, and have taken over Internet sites like CNet, Slashdot, TheDaily Kos, etc turning them into propaganda machines. Liberal Nazis like Nancy Pelosi seek to ruin the economy and mess up theUS and state governments by passing stupid bills as laws and holding up progress in Congress and any other government agency that votes on bills. They will murder people by causing a new civil war to break out once the US economy collapses and takes the world economy with it. They will do everything they can to drop the value of the US dollar and work with Climate Nazis to raise gas and oil prices by stopping oil and gas companies from drilling for more gas and oil, forcing prices to go up so it ruins the economy. They will also take away rights and freedoms of the people and extend domestic spying programs, and pass moreMarxist/Communist/Socialist spending bills to heavily tax the rich and middle-class and give the money to special interest groups that help fund their campaigns to get re-elected instead of the poor as they promise. The poor will keep getting poorer, and so will the middle-class and rich.

They sabotage Ron Paul and other libertarians who might have away to save the economy and world. Liberal Nazis are really Neo-cons who pretend to be Liberals, but are nothing of the sort. They have taken over, The Daily Kos, Kuro5hin, IWETHEY, and other web sites that promote their propaganda. Not sure what we can do, calling out the truth about these groups gets one attacked as not being politically correct, and these people control a majority of the Internet, newspapers, cable news stations, media companies, Hollywood, recording companies, etc. They push their propaganda on the public and get away with it and also have college professors working for them.


I agree with all this. Unfortunately, the threat to our freedom is not all we have to worry about. The minds of true believers, which include Nazis, do not rely on reality. In this time in which we live, it is absolutely essential for all decisions to be fact based. It is a battle between emotion and reason. If the US abandons reason then we will either be destroyed by terrorists or we will have a depression that is worse than the 1930s. The other possibility,which I believe, is that we will have a major terrorist attack AND a depression.

The climate/environment true believers are directly responsible forthe gas prices. Gas prices are responsible for inflation pressures and the economic slowdown (not recession) and the slowdown is responsible for the cheap money which also cause inflation and devaluation of the dollar. Of course, as the value of the dollar falls then the price of foreign oil goes up (since it is bought with cheapened currency).

A terror attack on two or more US cities would collapse the economy instantly and completely change our civilization. Undermining the US currency will crush the economy more slowly but just as surely. Only the use of reason can prevent one or both of the collapse scenarious.

Orion Blaster:

Aye and they run our governments with a system that is part Big Brother and part Lord of the Flies and also based on Hitler's ideas. You'll find they have Liberal Professors in college that teach that Hitler wasn't so bad and the holocaust never happened, or it was Hitler's men who ran the camps and Hitler was innocent. At bunch of brainwashing if you ask me. My sister in law was exposed to that in college, plus they encourage students to use illegal drugs, based on what they exposed her to she had a heart attack as the illegal drug she was told to use had a reaction with the prescription medication she was on. While the Neocons seem to be bad, the Liberal Nazis are even worse as they combine the worst of the Nazis with the worst of the Communists, to bring about a Nanny State.

Don't get me started on how they attack religion and call it a system to control people with, religion is not to blame, some bad people are abusing religion for their own benefits, it is not religion's fault but the mismanagement of religion. Their system is an even worse system to control people with, as people get turned into socialist zombies and lack independent thought and critical thinking and logic and use their emotions instead. They call Neo-Swashbucklers a dangerous cult, because our religion is based on piracy, but we are just people who want our rights and freedoms back and want life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as was promised to us by our governments. Liberal Nazis, Climate Nazis, Islamic Nazis, are the real dangerous cults, and they all have common goals and seem to be working together in secret to ruin the economy and cause more civil wars and genocides and holocausts. All we Neo-Swashbucklers are doing is standing up to them and telling them we are not going to take their bullshit anymore, and are going to get what our founding fathers had promised to us. Damn anyone who stands in our way of freedom and liberty, damn anyone who tries to ruin the economy and cause more conflict, because we Neo-Swashbucklers won't just lie down and take this lightly, we are not sheep or socialist zombies, we fight back, for everyone who lost their rights, freedom, money, property, and dignity. That means we post the truth on our blogs and radio shows, and give people the tools they need to fight back these modern Nazis to show them that we the people are the ones our governments should serve and not some Nazi groups or special interest groups. We warned people the economy and nations will collapse, and we will escape it when it happens as we are survivors. History will remember us as the only ones who had a clue as to what was the truth and what was really happening in the world.



The first step in OFS will be to identify a professional, creative yacht designer and contract with this individual (or school --sometimes schools will take on projects like this to challenge their students).

The specifications for the boat will be very complex. It will involve several compartments. There will be at least one "compartment" for each Neo-Swashbuckler who has contracted for the project. This does not mean one compartment per person. A compartment should be useful to a small family or group of friends attempting to escape the Collapse. A compartment will be 10' long,70 inches wide and 69 inches deep. The compartment is 70 inches wide because this will allow two rows of 55 gallon drums to be placed horizontally off the bow and stern of the compartment. Note: the drums will not use any space in each compartment. The depth of 69"matches the width of three diameters of 55 gallon drums. This means that six 55 gallon drums can be placed on each end of a compartment. Compartments will be made of various materials including ferro-cement, steel and wood. Compartments will have keels, ballasts,pumps and outriggers. The compartments will have neither a bow or stern, but will have a cable-lock system which enables each compartment to be connected to compartments to the stern and bow. An attachable stern and bow will be available to hook on the front and rear of the connected crafts.This plan will make it possible to have two or three boat conglomerations that can later be combined into a single craft. Staging areas will be here in Oak Point, in Kemah, in Anna, Illinois and possibly in Tell City, Indiana.

The compartments will be constructed at the staging location of choice. The best use of the compartments will be to load them fully with survival supplies.The "loading" will include everything that you wish to pre-place on each compartment and the contents of twelve 55 gallon drums. Single compartments will be sized to fit easily on 15' trailers to be moved to launch locations when the Collapse is underway. Construction of the compartments will be done in Oak Point and in Anna according to the yacht design specs.

A fair price will be charged for each compartment and there will be 100% financing for members of this group. OFS compartments will be advertised nationally and participants who are not members of this group will be financed with 20% down. The compartments will be connected by cables, cable locks and a steel rod. The 55 gallon drums will be the buffer between compartments and will add floatation to the overall craft. Each compartment will have hatches that can be completely closed so that they will not be flooded in storms and waves. They will also have pumps to discharge any water that happens to get in and will have a ballast, a keel and outriggers to prevent capsizing.

The challenge of the naval architect will be to create this complex craft with the flexibility to be pre-wave, top of wave and post wave all at the same time without the risk of pitch-poling, capsizing or bunching. Each compartment will have a single sail, but the running rigging will have to be positioned in such a way that all sails are coordinated from a single command (Blackhearted Pirate Lee) so that sails work in harmony unless we are heaved to (in which case sails would intentionally be set against each other to make the complex craft stationary).T here will be at least one "community compartment" that will house a public restroom and a shower. It is also an option that we could have a community compartment that is dedicated to gunnery. There is much more to this concept, but I want to get your reaction to just these facts first. Any comments?

Blackhearted Pirate Lee:

This is a well thought out plan for a good ship. There is a school I think called Westlawn in CT that designs boats and yachts. I sent for some information once. Back then I had forgotten most of my algebra, but I am just now getting back into it.


Very good suggestion. Thanks, Blackhearted Pirate Lee.

I will make an inquiry to Westlawn.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Major Announcement Soon

Over the last 5 1/2 years I have had a certain appproach to the Neo-Swashbucklers that has been fairly consistent and has helped create agroup of like-minded individuals who have our own mythologies,history, plans and politics. Although we are not politically identical we have come to a point that we are politically compatible. I sense that we have arrived at a point in time that we need to proceed with certain plans.

I have never considered myself the leader of the group. I consider myself a major contributor to the group. I do not believe that anyone individual is empowered to change the direction of the Neo-Swashbucklers. The Neo-Swashbucklers is a group of loosely aligned individuals who are free men and women. What I can control and intend to control is my own direction.

My future posts and actions will be on one of four subjects:

1. Continued comment on politics, current events, merriment,lifestyle and the love of freedom.

2. Contributions to tee shirt ideas as part a money making prospectfor the Neo-Swashbucklers. Profits will go to a group fund.

3. Collection of premium posts on this Blogspot site and assembly of these posts into chapters for a general Neo-Swashbuckler book,possibly entitled 'The Neo-Swashbucklers: Merriment in the ComingDark Age'. The authorship of the book will be shared, as will royalties, in accordance with the number/percentage of lines authored. I will explain this further later. Each Saturday I will select the premium posts from Neo-Swashbuckler Island or The Neo-Swashbucklers and add them to this Blog. Also, comments on the posts will likely be added to the book, so Neo-Swashbucklers are strongly encouraged to comment at this Blog site.

4. I will research, promote, develop, plan and recruit for a new diabolical scheme I have partially constructed called Operation Freedom Snake. Operation Freedom Snake (OFS) is still being formulated in my mind and, once complete, I will announce it here. This will have the potential to be divisive to our merry band, but it need not be. Some will like and participate in OFS and some will not. Those who dislike OFS might get tired of seeing posts about the subject. I only ask that you give it due consideration and tolerate the posts of those who participate. If it gets too cumbersome for the NS Island Board then we may create a separate OFS Board. We will see how the group reacts to the plan before we come to a decision on that issue.

I am not trying to be mysterious about OFS, I just do not have all the details worked out mentally. I will introduce the subject as soon as I can.

Maternal Controlling Collectivists

Orion Blaster: (from posts on 'Is there anyone on earth more stupid than Nancy Pelosi')

Hitler was a vegetarian and loved animals more than people, much like the modern liberals do.

Hitler also wanted gun control, wanted to tax the rich, wanted to remove religion from the public, and many other things that liberals want as well. Modern liberals are just following Hitler's book, doing basically the same things. Did you notice that Liberals are anti-Israel and anti-Semite as well? Much like the fundamentalist Muslims are as well. Mine Kampf means my struggle, which is another translation for Jihad and explains what the liberals believe in as well with their struggle. Nazis, Liberals, Islamic Terrorists, all follow the same beliefs and same rule books. Due to the Treaty of Versailles, Germany borrowed money from the USA to pay off war debts and rebuild itself. Under FDR, the Liberal Democrats had helped rebuild Germany by loaning it money from US banks and the federal reserve, and had many US corporations like IBM, Bayer, etc.

So the Liberal Democrats helped the Nazis build up their empire and help Hitler set up his war machine and death camps. Then they blamed everything on the conservatives and refused to admit that they and their companies helped out Hitler, and even that FDR himself helped loan Hitler money.


I suspect that collectivism naturally leads to totalitarianism but Ihave not fully refined the theory in my mind. It will be something like collectivism usually or always coming under the influence of controlling elitists or maternalists. Totalitarianism is a maternal impulse -- this is something we must remember. The desire to control a constituency is a mothering desire. Unfortunately, since the elites are not actually the mothers of the constituents, the maternal instincts are not based on intuitive love. Maternal collectivism becomes something very ugly and incredibly threatening to individualism. I think that Hitler, Stalin and Mao were motherly controllers. This is why collectivism always begins by "doing good things for free" for the people. This sets up the people to be reminded later that they got freebies and now owe allegiance to the do-gooder elite.

The allegiance eventually leads to compliance with a system that places some people in concentration camps for the benefit of the whole. It also leads to selective extermnations to perfect the populations. Remember, the instinct that normally trumps the mother eating her young is the instinct to perpetuate one's own genes. In maternal collectivism the elitists are not directly related to their constituents. There is no trump to eating their young. What they want to perpetuate is their vision of what the population "should be like."

Now, think of these ideas in terms of socialized medicine. It sounds good at first but the end result is that you are allowing the maternal collectivists the ability to determine what needles get pushed into your arms. You are also giving the maternal collectivists the power to ration. The UK, Canada and Australia have made themselves vulnerable to maternal collectivism and will eventually pay a horrible price if they do not reverse course. Nevermind the fact that maternal collectivists do not use their own money to give away free stuff. No, they confiscate the money from the productive individuals and then use the funds to perpetuate their power.

One last point. Why do you think that the media, education and entertainment industries have made a 30 year effort to feminize American males? Could it be that feminized males are more susceptible to maternal collectivism?

Tampico (follow-up post):

Although Hitler was an extreme maternal collectivist, he was distinct from the others because he was such an egomaniac that he regarded himself as an individual as the elite. He did not represent an elite group, like Nancy Pelosi. As such, Hitler did not find it necessary to feminize German males. Instead, he played them with primal male instincts. Males are not naturally maternal collectivists but they do have negative impulses. Males are naturally inclined to rape, territorial expansion and,consequently, war. Males want to expand their genetic range. Hitler played this by exposing German males to an idealized notion of blood and soil (blut und boden). This worked fine for Hitler because he had no desire to expand his elite (he was an elite of one) and he could accomplish his personal goals better with masculine males. Besides,what happened to most of the German masculine males in WW2? Yes,death.

Maternal controlling collectivists need death. The ability to withdraw someone from existence is the ultimate control.