Saturday, February 16, 2008

Podcast Thread


Does anyone have a particular accent? I think in the early pod castsit would be nice to have some distinct voices. Of course, LadyDrake, Blackhearted Pirate Lee and Bootleg have the advantage offemale voices. Ken, do you have a Texas accent? That would be goodin one of the early pod casts.I don't know my own voice that well, but I suspect that Wayne and Ihave similar voices and accents. Wayne is from the upper Midwest andI am originally Midwestern. Rev Wry is free of any detectableaccent, but I encourage him to watch Bogart movies and move to moreof a Bogart accent to match his Bogart-like persona.Obviously, Geoff will need to be in early pod casts if possible. Wewill need to do some time zone research however before scheduling him.One thing that Wayne mentioned is that the site strongly suggestsusing land lines. I will set up the pod cast on a land line.What about Bootstrap? Does he have a Boston accent or a Connecticutaccent? I know he has been in West Virginia for a while, but I doubthe has any accent from there.

Blackhearted Pirate Lee:

Bootstrap said that if he had a Kennedy accent then he wouldn’t be here, hey-ohhh... lol

But he can put on an accent if you wish it. Any accent. He does wonderful movie lines to the "T". That is his forte'. He does Hannibal Lector, Star Wars, Holy Grail Monty Python - he can talk like Hannibal if you wish. lol
Casablanca too.


The reason that I bring up accents is not really theatrical. I havenoticed that some pod casts are difficult to follow because of voicesthat are indistinguishable from one another. The speaker is notintroduced each time and I find myself asking which speaker isspeaking. This is why speakers with unique voice characteristicswill be at a premium in the early Neo-Swashbuckler pod casts. PirateRonald has a unique voice. Any female voice will be at a premium.Geoff, of course, is Australian. I suspect that Bootstrap's naturalvoice will be distinct form Texans and Midwesterners since he haslived in Connecticut and West Virginia. Kelly is a female with avery slight Texas accent, but she has worked in radio before and willhave a distinguishable presentation for that reason.I expect that the early pod casts will be somewhat rough and we willhave to be highly self critical for a while to get steadyimprovement. This is going to be fun. I hope I can get things readyon Friday night so that we can have our first pod cast done nextSaturday.The Neo-Swashbucklers are an institution now. We are now on thebrink of marching forward and adapting to the huge challenges thatwill be faced in the dismal era of 2008-2012.

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