Friday, February 29, 2008

Pirate Ronald o Free State/Ron Paul

"By the way, Pirate Ronald, how is the Free State project coming? Ihave not been keeping up with news on that lately."

Pirate Ronald:
Me, too. I've been very busy and got behind on our group posts.That is temporary. I always catch back up. Answering this gives me the opportunity to put it with many other things into perspective as it concerns us.It's a great concept! It is working and it could achieve the goals,but I expected New Hampshire to demonstrate that the Free State Project would have done very well by getting much more votes for Ron Paul because I can see the influence just one of me has on local Utah elections and I had expected exponential improvement with greater numbers instead of diminishing returns. Maybe when there are few, the political forces don't organize well to counter. Perhaps a few can convince those who can be convinced and more don't make that much more of a difference other than to concentrate more votes in an area. There are other factors. Perhaps it is an exponential rate that society becomes dumbed down and trusts government and media to tell them what to not think, but what to believe.I imagined that it would be much more powerful than demonstrated with all of the like minded political activists concentrated into one state. It is a great concept and will in time work except we are rapidly running out of time for anything to work except for the average people trusting of media and government to wake up and not be zombies in that sense of the word for them and most of the rest of the population to not become zombies in the other sense of the word that I more often use to describe the desperate seeking to take essentials of life from the prepared as we can only imagine* at this point.

I have a plan of political activism in the works that will greatly empower the Ron Paul supporters that are now in great numbers in every state to become highly effective. It isn't over. With Ron Paul as President, we would still have to win Congress in the same November general election by electing Ron Paul supporters to be our public servants. We will still do that. All is not as it seems nor will it remain the same. There will be problems with the media so called top tier candidates who even lie that Ron Paul is no longer in the race when it is all he and his supporters can do to insist that they will never give up. Add to the mix the start of The Great Collapse and the ordinary people who tell me not to bother them with politics will then become very interested and ask: "Why don't I have a job or food to eat?!" OR worse: "Why doI have three jobs and that is insufficient to be able to buy enough food to not see my family starve before my eyes!?"Then they will learn that Ron Paul had it right all along. For those who are new among us,* become proficient at resolving zombie ambiguity of the two different uses of the word by visualizing the zombie movies where the zombies move rather clumsy and slow, yet persistently after healthy people. It will be similar amidst The Great Collapse as starvation, injury and disease impede the physical and mental effectiveness of those who are otherwise productive members of society as normal capable and loving people, yet when motivated out of love and guilt in their continued desire to provide for their loved ones they see miserably perishing in their care, then they would be similarly dangerous and numerous and pervasive as in the zombie movies except for being real people presenting moral issues defending from them because like in the zombie movies, reason wouldn't stop them as they are dying anyway. No, not just similar,but the collapse behaviour of people will be exactly like in the zombie movies except that you can't just turn it off, so study them well.For moral reasons, it would be best to in advance, if possible, just sail away, as zombies don't swim well and will not be having a good time of it enough to master longer range strategy other than brief acts of desperation instead of sailing and longer range plans that fit with productivity and preparedness. There will be those few that do, but they are not zombies. Further understanding can be found *bysearching our archives for zombies and watching zombie movies. It will be sad to turn away from them as they are the people we see today in society, but they, like in the zombie movies, will be too numerous to help and so numerous they will be dangerous.

Which brings us back to the beginning of the subject of political activism and this is why I am so motivated to do my part and all that I can to prevent the tragedy they insist on bringing upon themselves with their votes and their failure to head our Founding Fathers'admonition to be ever vigilant.Though it will sadden me to sail away from them, I will do it with love in my heart for those I can help after those times when only the survivors remain in the aftermath of a destined-to-fail-overwhelmingly-powerful-at-first-global-governance. The strategy here is to be prepared to outlive it outside of society and without dependence on society to plant the seeds of freedom where freedom can thrive.This will be quite a challenge, so pray and prepare to do your part.Eat nutritiously and become as healthy as possible and become very prepared with supplies and skills and healthy living and mental attitudes.

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