Sunday, March 23, 2008

Some remarks about #1

Blackhearted Pirate Lee (regarding my dropping to one major post):

OK, if it is time constraints, then that is fair enough.

Blackhearted Pirate Lee (regarding the kite dogfight directions):

Lady Drake, there is that SANGER word again. There is more to this word than just a name. There is a significance that is related to shipping for some reason or other.

Blackhearted Pirate Lee (regarding possible Neo-Swashbuckler riots in Denver):

Do we still have the word Democracy as a working word? I ran into a Canadian who thinks we are going to turn more into what the Roman Empire looked like. Well, if that didn't work and Democracy doesn't work, then someone better get thinking of a better way.

Orion Blaster:

Aye I agree, the US economy is doomed. We have gone deep in debt for over eight years now, owe most of it to China. Plus people in the USA are spending more than they earn and driving up debt. After they can't make house payments the government bails them out. Apple and iTunes rake in billions each year and give some of it to the RIAA and MPAA for song and movie sales, and people keep buying more songs and movies and don't have money left over to pay bills and get their car repoed and their house foreclosed. There be no such thing as personal responsibility any more either, and this harms the economy as well. Rather than let people face the consequences of their bad actions and behaviors and let them suffer for making bad choices, our government instead subsidies them through deficit spending and bailing out banks that are doing stupid things live giving countless loans to people with bad credit who always default on payments anyway. When even our banks do stupid stuff, you know the economy is going to tumble. All the fed is trying to do is lower interest rates and bail out banks so that they can pump up the stock market to avoid another great depression. FDR's New Deal actually made the depression worse because they had funded social programs by printing up more money and causing inflation like Bush and Company are doing right now. I warned people about this before and they laughed at me. I told them the price of food and fuel will go up and the housing market will burst and banks will start failing. It is no laughing matter, and unless something is done by 2012 to 2017 when a majority of baby boomers retire we will have more people retired than are working jobs, and the US economy will get even worse then, unless they can bring in more immigrants to work jobs and pay taxes. Because we aren't having enough babies born to replace the baby boomers when they retire since the 1960's thanks to birth control and abortion lowering our population growth.

Plus people are living longer thanks to advanced medicine.I'd suggest buying gold and silver, but gold prices went down recently. It might be smarter to buy weapons, make a bunker with food and water in it and fight off looters when the US economy finally busts and a majority of the people either throw a revolution (ala 1917's Russia Communist Revolution) or become looters trying to steal your things.Democrats and Republicans are puppets for their masters in Europe, and do everything they can to ruin the US economy to build up the EU and replace the dollar with the Euro. It is a Secular Humanist Cabal located in the Netherlands or Belgium that some people call the New World Order or Illuminati. They already control the EU and soon the US. This is just a theory, mind you, but it seems to make sense.


Orion, I agree that individuals have foolishly gone in debt and that the US has been wreckless with debt the last few years. These two things have happened before in US history for various reasons butt his seems different. My point about these people being smart and well educated was that I think this is not all accidents of a stupid government. I think that the wrecking of the dollar is intentional and that Blackhearted Pirate Lee might be right by implying that what they really want is for American people to suffer so much that they start clamoring for the Amero as an alternative. Such a conspiracy meets my criteria for a plausable conspiracy because it would involve a dozen people or fewer.Individuals should pay off credit cards and car loans. Individuals should also plant gardens and get milk producing goats. People should not buy real estate yet and, intead of investing directly in gold or other metals, I think investments in gold and silver mining will be one of the few winners.


I love this group and the wide range of thought.

Blackhearted Pirate Lee:

The Amero is already planned, drawn up, molded and ready for disbursement. Love your green backs. The next money is bland and doesn't work for you. Everything is light compared to the dark that is to beset us.


I am in agreement that as many of us that can should plant Victory Gardens and take other steps to become self-reliant as possible. If the powers that be want to see a civil war the North American Union would do it.

Blackhearted Pirate Lee:

Could this also be called the coming of a once and future Revolutionary war?

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