Monday, March 24, 2008

Key Excerpts from a Pirate Ronald post

Inland wilderness locations accessible by sailboat appeal to me. This opens up lots of choices without needing to own the land or anyone being there to even know which also attracts me particularly because I choose alternatives to perils and compromises of principles of fighting what would soon cease to exist anyway. There will be a time for me to step aside from society as it does what it will on a scale that would dwarf my efforts to change it. I do have a sense of moral obligation and I devote my energies and resources to prevention of what is to come by political activism and supporting the Ron Paul movement including helping to get Ron Paul supporters elected to be our public servants.

One of the puzzles that sea based mobility solves for me is the ability to participate in society when beneficial yet disappear from it when prudent. With sailboats, a group can visit a town and trade or even settle in for a time yet have the option of disappearing.

That solves a troublesome flaw in a long ago since abandoned previous desire to have a secret underground dwelling not too far from society. The problem is that once discovered it is no longer secret. In sharp contrast, the location of a fleet of sailboats can be discovered one day and hostile visitors can come the next only to find it gone.

One of my favorite capabilities of sea based mobility is the ability to rendezvous with proven freedom lovers who fight the fight of prevention of what we are about to experience. We are among them and in many places and we would help escape from what becomes an undesirable area and move to areas of advantage. In the dynamics of future changes, it will be impossible for us to predict which places will have the worst of problems and which areas are great opportunities.

Having the capability to help my fellow Ron Paul supporters be among the survivors matters greatly to me. Those who love our Constitutional republic form of representative self-government and work to keep it are very important as they will work to restore it at whatever strongholds of freedom exist after what comes next fails.

In moving people and supplies, I particularly like that sailboats have cargo capability and can take many passengers. It is a great feature that the route over water isn't confined like the road routes over land and that there is almost zero population at sea.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Some remarks about #1

Blackhearted Pirate Lee (regarding my dropping to one major post):

OK, if it is time constraints, then that is fair enough.

Blackhearted Pirate Lee (regarding the kite dogfight directions):

Lady Drake, there is that SANGER word again. There is more to this word than just a name. There is a significance that is related to shipping for some reason or other.

Blackhearted Pirate Lee (regarding possible Neo-Swashbuckler riots in Denver):

Do we still have the word Democracy as a working word? I ran into a Canadian who thinks we are going to turn more into what the Roman Empire looked like. Well, if that didn't work and Democracy doesn't work, then someone better get thinking of a better way.

Orion Blaster:

Aye I agree, the US economy is doomed. We have gone deep in debt for over eight years now, owe most of it to China. Plus people in the USA are spending more than they earn and driving up debt. After they can't make house payments the government bails them out. Apple and iTunes rake in billions each year and give some of it to the RIAA and MPAA for song and movie sales, and people keep buying more songs and movies and don't have money left over to pay bills and get their car repoed and their house foreclosed. There be no such thing as personal responsibility any more either, and this harms the economy as well. Rather than let people face the consequences of their bad actions and behaviors and let them suffer for making bad choices, our government instead subsidies them through deficit spending and bailing out banks that are doing stupid things live giving countless loans to people with bad credit who always default on payments anyway. When even our banks do stupid stuff, you know the economy is going to tumble. All the fed is trying to do is lower interest rates and bail out banks so that they can pump up the stock market to avoid another great depression. FDR's New Deal actually made the depression worse because they had funded social programs by printing up more money and causing inflation like Bush and Company are doing right now. I warned people about this before and they laughed at me. I told them the price of food and fuel will go up and the housing market will burst and banks will start failing. It is no laughing matter, and unless something is done by 2012 to 2017 when a majority of baby boomers retire we will have more people retired than are working jobs, and the US economy will get even worse then, unless they can bring in more immigrants to work jobs and pay taxes. Because we aren't having enough babies born to replace the baby boomers when they retire since the 1960's thanks to birth control and abortion lowering our population growth.

Plus people are living longer thanks to advanced medicine.I'd suggest buying gold and silver, but gold prices went down recently. It might be smarter to buy weapons, make a bunker with food and water in it and fight off looters when the US economy finally busts and a majority of the people either throw a revolution (ala 1917's Russia Communist Revolution) or become looters trying to steal your things.Democrats and Republicans are puppets for their masters in Europe, and do everything they can to ruin the US economy to build up the EU and replace the dollar with the Euro. It is a Secular Humanist Cabal located in the Netherlands or Belgium that some people call the New World Order or Illuminati. They already control the EU and soon the US. This is just a theory, mind you, but it seems to make sense.


Orion, I agree that individuals have foolishly gone in debt and that the US has been wreckless with debt the last few years. These two things have happened before in US history for various reasons butt his seems different. My point about these people being smart and well educated was that I think this is not all accidents of a stupid government. I think that the wrecking of the dollar is intentional and that Blackhearted Pirate Lee might be right by implying that what they really want is for American people to suffer so much that they start clamoring for the Amero as an alternative. Such a conspiracy meets my criteria for a plausable conspiracy because it would involve a dozen people or fewer.Individuals should pay off credit cards and car loans. Individuals should also plant gardens and get milk producing goats. People should not buy real estate yet and, intead of investing directly in gold or other metals, I think investments in gold and silver mining will be one of the few winners.


I love this group and the wide range of thought.

Blackhearted Pirate Lee:

The Amero is already planned, drawn up, molded and ready for disbursement. Love your green backs. The next money is bland and doesn't work for you. Everything is light compared to the dark that is to beset us.


I am in agreement that as many of us that can should plant Victory Gardens and take other steps to become self-reliant as possible. If the powers that be want to see a civil war the North American Union would do it.

Blackhearted Pirate Lee:

Could this also be called the coming of a once and future Revolutionary war?

Weekly Post #1

Since my computer is jacked up and since I need to free up time for other activities; I have decided to make one major post a week and then try to have a "response post" just before going back on the road to respond to any comments about my main post. I think a single post can suffice in monitoring the Collapse Condition and will be helpful by not "pushing down" the posts of others so that others can start topics and get good discussions going.The three big things on my mind this week include: 1) The Easter KiteDogfight 2) The idiotic behavior of the Federal Reserve and George Bush and whether they are intentionally wrecking the dollar 3) The next Neo-Swashbuckler broadcast.

The kite dogfight will be at Elm Fork Park near Pilot Point. I know I had promised to hold it in Fort Worth, but none of the parks we saw there were suited for the event. From Sanger (I-35) you just go east on 455. 455 is the road that crosses the Lake Ray Roberts Dam. As soon as you pass the dam you will make a right turn (opposite the lake) and follow a winding road down to the parking lot. We will be the group with all the kites. I will be the guy wearing the pith helmet. We will have tons of picnic food and will start the dogfight once everone is finished eating. My best guess is that we will get the kites in the air between 1:15 and 1:30. The food will be ready at noon and there will be traditional and vegetarian foods. By the way, I have already committed to having the 2009 dogfight back in Austin. Everyone is welcome even if you are not a real Neo-Swashbuckler and are actually a Vookuranian spy. In 2007 I actually sent an invitation to Vookuray since we had that event in Houston. Evil kites would only add suspense to the outcome. Of course Vookuray chickened out in 2007, claiming that her car was too unreliable to go from New Orleans to Houston. Iwonder how reliable it will be after I put a footlong tube of sweet tarts in her gas tank?

The US is doomed. I am certain of this now. Most of my economics training is from the early 1970s from Southern Illinois University. I also took one graduate econ class at the University of Missippi and a couple of classes that involved economics at the University of Texas at Arlington. I have never taken classes at Yale or Harvard or Princeton like all of these guys who are currently in charge of the economy. So why can I see that what they are doing is idiotic? Are they just making a series of blunders? Or do they know full well what they are doing and have some secret plan? If I were trying to undermine the US Dollar I could not think of more ways to go about it than Bush. Obama is absolutely right about the Iraq War having a huge impact on the decline of the dollar. We cannot continue throwing away a billion dollars every 2 1/2 days in Iraq. We cannot afford the tax rebates. We cannot afford to bail out Bear Stearnes. We cannot afford to have low prime interest rates and continue to pump money into the economy to avoid a recession. Nobody wants a recession, but as bad as recessions are they are nothing compared to a currency collapse.The dollar has fallen in relation to other currencies before and we have weathered the storm. But, ask yourself this, has the dollar ever been used to buy so many foreign goods? The declining dollar drives up the price of all foreign goods. Go into Wal-Mart and look around for goods made in the US and then consider that even those goods that still are made in the US are often made with materials or components that are foreign. Also, the energy used to make goods in the US is mostly coming from foreign oil. This is the first time that the dollar has tanked in relation to foreign currencies since this whole "global economy" thing started. The Federal Reserve has forgotten its job. It is not the job of the Federal Reserve to keep the economy out of recession. Its their job to protect the dollar's value. They are now giving the economy a dose of cancer to avoid a cold. Gas prices should have never gone up this high during this last bump. There is no strain on supply. Gas prices are not up relative to the Euro or other currencies. Do you know that eggs cost 27% more this Easter than last Easter? Eggs are mostly produced here in the US, but their cost has gone up because of increased energy prices and high feed prices. Why are feed prices high? Feed prices are largely set by energy prices. If the only effect of the declining dollars was on energy prices then that would be enough to cause great problems. If you could just stimulate an economy by printing lots of cheap currency then the countries in South America would all be economicpowerhouses by now.

IMPORTANT: I need callers for the Neo-Swashbuckler broadcast on Easter Sunday at 4:00 PM. I intend the coming broadcast to be a little more goofy than the first two, so callers could call in on a lighthearted topic and not be out of place. Any topic is welcome though. I will suggest topics for callers during the broadcast. I will also discuss the situation with Vookuray's new hackers, plans and ideas for the new site, discuss my new policy of one big post a week and finish discussing the Plan from the perspective of the Drake/Sitton/WayneParty. Naturally, there will be an announcement regarding the outcomeof the kite dogfight.

OTHER THOUGHTS:Any opinions on the flying stingray death in Florida? Stingrays are definately enemies of the Neo-Swashbucklers, but I doubt that getting hit in the face by a 75 pound stingray would be fatal at sailboat speeds. Can you eat stingrays? I'm hearing that there are places off the Keys where the water surface is just covered with stingrays.

I have had two different white guys tell me that if they were black they would riot in Denver if Hillary uses treachery to steal the nomination from Obama if Obama goes into the convention with more elected delegates and a greater popular vote total in the primaries. Idon't see why this is a racial issue. All people should be upset when democracy is thwarted. Maybe there should be a Neo-Swashbuckler riot team in Denver. It would be warm even in Denver in August, but we could sleep in tents and not bake too much up at those altitudes. We could even set up a higher altitude encampment near Denver so we could sleep in comfort during the nights after a hard day of rioting and swilling rum.

The same moderators in the old group will be converted to moderators in this group today as soon as I get a chance. I am slightly reducing the powers of the moderators in case a Vookuranian hacker gets your identity. If she gets mine then we are screwed because I have the "delete group" option.Please also check the Blogspot site on occasion. I will continue to post there and will put my weekly posts there so that people who are not Neo-Swashbucklers can comment. I'm thinking about informing Vookuray about the site so she can get all her hostility out of her system without hijacking people's screennames. My intent of shutting her out of all things Neo-Swashbuckler was that it might eventually lead her to forget about us, but that strategy does not seem to be working. I think she is obsessed for life. I may not stick to my "one post and one reply" policy this weekend because it is a long weekend, we have the broadcast coming up on Sunday and we will have the kite dogfight results to announce. Besides, Ihave not started the novel project yet.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

VooDoo Announcement

Every organization of our size should have at least one VooDoo Priestor Priestess.

After much deliberation and hearing voices, I am pleased to announce that Wayne will be the official VooDoo Priest of the Neo-Swashbucklers as long as he lives. Should Wayne be tragically killed during theDrake/Sitton/Wayne Party evacuation then we will expect that Wayne has named a replacement and that person will assume command as Priest or Priestess upon his death. If the Drake/Sitton/Wayne Party is attackedby Vookuranians at Cairo or Memphis or by socialist zombies in Memphis and the results of the battle are unknown then we will assume that Wayne is merely MIA for seven years. If Wayne is not heard from in seven years then we will determine that he was killed and eaten and replace him.The naming of an official VooDoo Priest does not preclude other religious or spiritual leaders from being named official Neo-Swashbuckler representatives of their spiritual systems.