Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Asteroid Mining (tampico)

NOTE: I am currently working on a new political philosophy called "Social Libertarian Frontierism." There will be much more about this later, but here is an example of a frontierist activity which is intended to reduce national debt, eliminate or reduce dependence on the federal income tax and provide funds for increased federal discretionary spending. 12/23/08

A.1. One example of a frontierist activity would be for the US Government to develop and deploy a space tow vehicle which would be tasked with moving an asteroid of small/moderate size to either earth’s orbit or the orbit of the moon. The asteroid should be selected based on its composition and should be relatively high in platinum, gold, nickel iron and low in rock and ice. The asteroid should be mined with public funds and the profits should be for the enrichment of the US Treasury. Mining should be accomplished with the aid of the most advanced government robots (6.D.). Precious metals should be mined first and the precious metals (platinum and gold) should be fully extracted before any consideration is given to leasing to private sector mining entities. Once the asteroid is reduced to nickel iron and debris then it may be more profitable to lease the asteroid in part or whole, but this should be done only when the asteroid has been largely exploited and another asteroid is either being towed to earth or moon orbit.

Precious metals are particularly suited economically for strengthening the value of the US Dollar and paying down the national debt; which would in turn reduce the payment of interest on US bond debt and increase the percentage of the US budget available for discretionary spending and reduce the need to tax the productive segments of the economy.

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