Sunday, September 14, 2008

Diversity (Orion Blastar)

Yeah I know that the elite media and most liberal Internet forums like The Daily Kos, Kuro5hin, IWETHEY, etc use racist slurs and personal attacks against women and people of difference races (non-white like Arabic, African-American, Asian, Native American, etc.) and I have friends of difference races, religions, national origins, etc. My grandfather taught me not to be a bigot like most people in the world. Diversity is a good thing, and sometimes someone who is different in a way can help out as part of a team because they know something I don't or a different viewpoint and we can both learn from each other.

Most of the racist stuff are done by liberals because they are either Karl Marx Communists (anyone not European in origin is seen as inferior to them unless they are not of European origin Communists) or Nazis, Aryan nation members, or KKK members who are racist to all non-white races. There are also the secular humanists like Saddam Hussein that are liberals that are racist towards Kurds and Jewish people and Christians and in a way it is bigoted as well. Then there are Liberal Christians like Hugo Chavez that are Anti-American and Anti-Christian to any Christians that don't believe in Liberal Christianity (which is a secular version of Christianity).George W. Bush's administration hired a lot of women and people of many races, unlike the Clinton Administration that was almost all white and mostly male, and women like Monica Lewinsky got sexually harassed and made to perform sex acts like oral sex.

1 comment:

Orion Blastar said...

Right I got her confused with Paula Jones and others that filed sexual
harassment suits against Bill Clinton. I'd search for the links but we
got flooding and power outages here in St. Louis and I went to dial-up
on my laptop with less than half an hour left on the battery.