Saturday, October 18, 2008

More on latino Unification (URT)

The nationalism that is being promoted by the national media by the likes of Lou Dobbs really misses the point with Mexico. Mexicans do not want to be led around by the nose by Mexico City and certainly do not want expansion of Mexico into the Southwest US. To the contrary,if the true Texas economy were unleashed by being freed by secession then the Republic would soon become a world economic hub that is so powerful that Nuevo Leon, Coahuila and Chihuahua would be clamoring to join Texas. This is particularly true if the Brownsville,Matamoras, Harlingen, South Padre area gets back on track on what seemed to be creating the 21st century Hong Kong before 9/11.

Mexico would be trying to keep citizens from migrating to Texas because they would have such fear of Texas political/social influence that could lead to a brain drain (if they are lucky) or a libertarian revolution in Mexico (if they are not lucky).

What kind of Mexicans would come to the Republic of Texas if it were a true libertarian nation? The welfare slackers would have no interest because there would be no freebies. The drug cartels thrive only because drugs are illegal. A libertarian Republic of Texas would be of no interest to drug cartels because there would be no black market. The only Mexicans with any interest in the Republic would be entreprenuers or people who want to work for entreprenuers.

Unification with Latinos (URT Post)

I remember reading a post in here by Tracy (I believe) which seems to support the idea of unifying with the hispanics. He was right on the money. We need such an alliance or there will never be hope for true progress.

This is not to say that we need to be friendly to Mexico City. In fact, by offering the lure of a free, bilingual Republic to the north we could attract thousands of Mexican entreprenuers, build a powerful economy and be a thorn in the side of the corrupt Mexican government. Mexican influence in Texas is a big part of what makes us Texans and what differentiates us from the slackers in the other 49 states. Mexican influence will be a part of our national identity once we have a nation.

Post in United Republic of Texas Group (Tampico)

What would work by Tampico

I think what would work is this: Forget about all the factions with their shadow governments. Make this group an instrument for recruiting state rep candidates and then supporting a slate of candidates every two years. Let the candidates choose what party they register with.

I live in the Myra Crownover district which is mostly in Denton County. Crownover is a GOPer and did not have a Dem opponent in her first three campaigns. Someone on the secessionist slate could have simply registered as a Democrat and opposed her any of the previous three elections. This year she has a young, liberal opponent who is a Dem. I will be voting libertarian,of course. But, in 2010, will the Dem run again or will Myra be unopposed? Also, what about the option of opposing Crownover in the primary?The two party system in Texas is just a mimic of the system they have on the national level. It would be brash and dynamic to completely disrespect the system by doing anything we feel like doing in terms of crossing party lines. The important thing is the secessionist slate, not the party.

It is also important not to try to trick anyone. Just run a a Dem, Goper or Libertarian; but make no attempt to try to fit in. When I say secessionist, I assume that you know that I mean running on the 'slate platform' that we want the option of secession kept open and made simpler (see previous posts). Texas is famous for having unopposed districts. Where there is an unopposed district then we run as Libertarians.

In the early 1990's I moved briefly to Missouri to support a libertarian for governor. He was a brilliant old gentleman named Ogden Scoville. He ran as a Libertarian and got zero press coverage,was excluded from the debates and could not get his message across. Had he been allowed to debate he would have dominated the major party candidates. I always thought he would have been better served by running in the GOP primaries.

All these Republic factions should mean only one thing to us. They are potential databases for rep candidates. In fact, we should contact these other factions, explain the state rep slate plan and ask them for suggestions/candidates. The only restriction on this is that I would want Gned to screen potential slate candidates to ensure that they have views that respect liberty, for Gned to create a platform for the slate and for this group to have the authority to issue communiques to the media on behalf of the slate. The first thing we could do is to find a first slate for 2008 if there are libertarians out there who are open to keeping the secession option open and under active consideration and who are on the 2008 ballot. There is at least one. Then, we could begin actions to support Roger Gary and then start an intense search for 2010 rep candidates and campaign managers.Campaign managers could be potential 2012 candidates. Eventually Texicans will come to expect that they will have the option of voting for secessionsist libertarians. This expectation is important because this Wall Street bailout is not the last we will hear from socialists and fascists. The US is going collectivist and we need to establish ourselves now as a viable alternative. If we don't have success in 2010 or 2012, then maybe we will in 2014. The US Government is our greatest ally because there is no end to their shenanigans and no bottom to the depths of the collapse that they are leading us towards. Please, lets consider a weekend meeting somewhere to hash all this out.