Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Demise of Busch

Lady Drake:

Hi Orion Blaster!

Who were the idiots on the A-B Board of Directors who sold Busch for a paltry $52 billion? It's worth way more especially to us native citizens of St. Louis. They are REALLY getting rid of Busch Gardens & selling their interest in Busch Stadium? It's named for them!! I CAN'T believe it!! The old boys are probably rolling in their graves by now! What are they going to do with Grant's Farm & the Clydesdale's? How many people are going to lose their jobs? Is it really a done deal or do they have to get permission from the government for the sale to go through? If this is ALL true we need to hang some Busch Directors from the yardarms & then make them walk the plank out to some chum!!! I call for our flags to fly at half mast in honor of the death of a FINE institution such as A-B & their beers Busch & Bud!!!!!!!!!!!! Bring out the kegs as well! I raise my cup...A-B has been in St. Louis for way over a 100 years; even before the Civil War. All I heard was the Belgians were going to make St. Louis their North American Headquarters. What a rip off!!!!!! It's a SAD state of affairs for this to happen to our American beer & all it represents!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In mourning,

Lady Drake


The merger makes no sense. A merger makes sense when there is overlap. There is practically no overlap in products, departments or advertising by InBev and AB. So why would InBev do it?BUD (the ticker for A-B) spends a ton of money on things that do not bring an immediate return. BUD sponsors countless softball leagues. BUD spends billions on traditional advertising. Busch also has the gardens, Clydesdales, stadium, Grant's Farm and association with every major charity in St. Louis, East St. Louis, Edwardsville and even on down to Carbondale. It is clear that InBev could not justify the merger with "overlap" since there is no domestic overlap. What InBev will do is make up for the savings that they will not get on reducing overlap is they will eliminate all the money that Busch spends on being a good citizen and good neighbor.

I have a personal reason for being loyal to Busch. In the late 1950s my father was a struggling tile layer in St. Louis. I was a toddler and my brother Tim was a baby. We lived in a working class neighborhood in a small apartment in north St. Louis until my dad got the contract to lay tile in the bathrooms and kitchens of an opulent Busch mansion. I believe it was Auggie Busch's mansion. The Busch contract enabled my father to save a down payment for a home and eighty acres in southern Illinois near the small town of Vienna. This is where I grew up until we moved up by Chicago when my dad changed jobs and went to work for the Illinois Farm Bureau. I was a Busch beer drinker until they decided to reduce Busch to a non-premium beer and place their emphasis on Budweiser. Even then I would drink Busch products anytime I listened to a Cardinals game (which was most summer days until we moved out of KMOX range toTexas). International corporations don't care about being good citizens anymore than the US government cares about what the American people want. We are just peasants. The elites view us as idiots and will do anything they want to us unless we stringently object and then they will have the courts make the unpopular decisions against the will of the people. The game is rigged and we are the losers.

Adios Busch. This is why I like corporations better than the government. When I get stiffed by a corporation I can choose not to give them any more loyalty or money. When I get stiffed by the government I still have to support the government with tax dollars. Look for more foreign takeovers because of the declining dollar. Look for the dollar to decline further because the government is about ready to start printing more free money to get the slacker vote and get the financial support for their campaigns by corporations that receive corporate welfare. Slackers and corporations own Congress now.

We need to hope for a Collapse because it will save us the trouble of a violent revolution.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Nazi Liberals

Nazis were socialists. Even when they left companies "private" they often dictated the direction that companies took, what they would produce and when they would produce. They would make sure that all companies were working in the national interest and even went so far as to place people within companies to watch them. FDR was fascinated with the notion of a corporate state and he believed that planned economies were an advantage that the axis powers had that we had to overcome because we were too freedom loving to accept a corporate state.

Anytime politicians talk about cooperation between the public and private sectors we need to be wary. The public sector has most of the weapons and have the power to force people to do things against their will. It cannot be an equal relationship. Right now the public sector has decided that oil companies are not really oil companies, they are energy companies. They have an obligation to create other forms of energy. What if they don't want to? Can an adult in this country just say that he or she enjoys drilling for oil and are going to stick with that? What gives the government the power to redefine the nature of a particular corporation? What if the oil companies decide they want to diversify into building golf courses or water parks? Do they have that freedom? The government will get into the business of taking away freedoms by taking away the freedom of companies that are in public disfavor first. Later they will be telling any and all companies what they can do.

There are two core liberal issues that fit into this nazi-like liberal scenario. First, liberals are obsessed with racial identity. This is obvious from the Dem primaries and needs no explanation. Second, liberals place more value on the environment than on humans. Is it such a stretch to think that they will someday try to reduce human population on the planet? I suspect that corn ethanol is the first step in world depopulation. Of all the crops that can be used to produce ethanol why would you choose something that uses massive amounts of prime agricultural acreage and tons of water to produce little yellow kernals? Switch grass is eight times more effecient to produce ethanol and can be grown outside the breadbasket. The use of corn instead of switch grass has the potential to starve millions - possibly hundreds of millions - of living humans.Is this just a stupid government decision or is this a deliberate attempt to depopulate sub-Saharan Africa and the Indian Penisnsula? Switch grass can be grown all over the south and in much of the southwest. Why produce corn in the midwest and starve people when it is eight times more expensive to do so? Stupidity or genocide - you decide.

The only hope we have is anarchy. We have to hope that the interest on the national debt will sink the US government. The debt is currently about $9 trillion, but our long term obligations will be at least $55 trillion just from obligations and entitlements that the government has already agreed to. Obligations are growing much faster than our GDP and the debt is not the problem, the interest is the problem; and the interest will only be paid by devaluing the currency by printing money. Meanwhile, the goverment is creating the expectation with many racial and ethnic groups that they will be cared for by government. Cared for? Remember, these people are not just fascinated with racial identity, they are also fascinated with depopulation.The only hope is in the hopelessness itself. A truly patriotic American should be cheering for the Collapse of the US government because the US government is the primary enemy of the US people.